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Hunting TipsGuide to Deer Lures and Scents

Guide to Deer Lures and Scents

Any successful deer hunter knows that there are a lot to think about.


Successfully bagging a large deer is more than just sitting in the woods and hoping one walks by. It takes some planning and preparation. Of course, having the right equipment helps also. Part of your equipment should be scents and lures. Believe it or not, there are even some experienced hunters that aren’t familiar with this. So, we wanted to provide an overview of scents and lures.


Importance of Educating Yourself

You probably have heard of these products. There are wide variety of companies promoting scents and lures. Often, they make extreme promises about how well they work. But, their messages are geared towards selling products. They do not offer much vale as far as education goes. We aren’t sure if they aren’t interested in education or just don’t understand it themselves. You need to understand these products to be able to effectively use them. When you understand the basics of how they work then you are able to make a more informed product choice.


Difference Between Scent and Lure

A great place to start your education is by looking at the difference between scent and lure. It is easier to tell the difference than many people think.
Lure: A lure is anything that will draw an animal to it. For instance, a turkey call produces a sound that draws male turkey towards it. If you want to attract mink then you can put a hole in the edge of a bank. Bobcats are attracted to a piece of fur that is moving. You can use a grunt to attract deer. A lure is effective because by appealing to the senses of hearing and sight.
Scent: A scent is defined as the odor that is remaining once an animal has passed. This odor affects deer hunting in two ways. First, you can use scents that animals leave behind to attract your prey. Second, you have to be aware of the scents that you leave behind yourself and how it affects your prey.


Categories of Lures


Primarily, lures are found within 3 different categories:

Glandular Lures: A large form of animal communication is secretions from their glands. Deer Lures and Deer Urine Scents in this category are produced by blending these natural secretions together. These are made to affect three natural instincts of the deer; territorial, sexual, and competitive.


Food Based Lures: There are three natural needs that every animal has; food, shelter, and mating. Lures in this category appeal to the animal’s need for food. This category of lures tends to be more useful for trapping than it does for hunting. But, it can be used in hunting to attract animals to an area during the off season.


Curiosity: Humans are not the only ones that are naturally curious. The majority of animals are curious about everything. Deer have a high level of curiosity. Lures in this category, work by using smells that deer don’t usual encounter in their territory. The deer become curious and are lured to investigate.


There are many things to learn about lures and scents. You can use this knowledge to choose the best product for your needs. You now have a basic understanding of lures and scents. You can tell the difference between the two, categories available, and how they work. We wish you happy hunting.



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